Thursday, March 29, 2012
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello Friends,
This is a new year, a new decade and a new beginning.
Set goals that motivate and inspire you, and always dream BIG. Dreamers are builders!
Life… This is the real thing, this isn’t a test drive. Treasure every moment. Do the things that you love and spend time with the people that you care for.
Engage in big talk and never in small talk.
Happiness and peace of mind are not goals, they are the result of achieving your BRAG’s (Big Hairy Audacious Goals).
Always remember, there are no stumbling blocks, there are only stepping stones.
Happy New Year. May 2011 bring you love, joy and prosperity!
To your success,
Shawn Shewchuk
The Power of A coming in 2011 -
Sunday, June 20, 2010
We all need a little Faith
Monday, April 5, 2010
Leadership, the definition

A few weeks ago a friend of mine telephoned me and asked, “Shawn I know that you are really busy, but could you please help me out for a few minutes? I have this assignment on leadership and I was wondering if you could take a look at it for me?”
I assured her that I would, following is the answer to the question that was asked in her paper.
I was asked to briefly “Define” Leadership. I wanted to share this with you as well, so here is the definition of Leadership
Although leadership is often associated with a position or title, the reality is that leadership has nothing whatsoever to do with either. A true and effective leader is an individual that can motivate, usually a team, to the successful achievement of a predetermined goal or objective. Two extremely important things for a leader to keep forefront at all times: Why does your team follow, because they have to or because they want to? Effective and successful leaders will say “let’s do this” rather than “do this.” Remember, you can lead from the middle!
Throughout my lifetime I have been fortunate enough to have several highly successful and effective leaders that I spent time with and learned from. I believe that this is likely the case with most of us, we learn from everyone that we come into contact with. We must make constant and conscious decisions as to whether or not the traits and idealism's of those we meet are to become part of our fabric.
It’s been said that “dissatisfaction is one of the best motivators” although this is true, I believe that the very best and most effective motivator is your achievements and successes.
If you want to be a great leader, find someone that you respect and that is a successful leader and learn from them. Don’t copy, but defiantly emulate and adapt.
Shawn Shewchuk is a sought after speaker, coach and consultant and the author of the soon to be released book, Change Your Mind, Change Your Results.
When is "Good Enough" enough?

“Good Enough” or “My Best” are statement that we often make perhaps without really understanding their implications. What do these claims really mean? We hear this kind of thing from staff, from our children and even at times from those of us that are (or supposed) to be leaders.
These statements and similar ones are tantamount to the famous line that most of us have used, that is “I’m Trying” or “I’ll Try.” Typically those that use the “try” excuse rarely if ever accomplish what it is they say that they intend to do or complete. It’s been said that “trying is lying” and therefore it could also be said that those that use the phrases referenced above are essentially making the same exemptions for themselves. “Good Enough” and “My Best” are very simply, in most cases, excuses.
If you really want to be the best, and you should, first reassess your objective(s). You have to be brutally honest to yourself; are you really giving 100%? If you need assistance, find someone that you admire, someone that is successful and trustworthy and ask for their thoughts. Perhaps you will seek out and confide on more than one individual or mentor. Ask them to be honest and don’t be offended by what they may have to say. Ask them how they believe you can improve. Don’t hesitate to make changes, circumstances will be never change and it will never be the rights time. The time to ACT is now! Act on the advice that you have received.
This may surprise you but, small changes today will result in tremendous improvements in your results. Resolve to everyday make the changes and positive improvements that will move you in the direction of your goals and objectives. Here is a simple way for you to start, just choose two actions, do it now, that you will do every day for a week then keep adding to those two.
Keep in mind, it is irrelevant whether you are seeking to improve your personal life, your relationships or your business. The steps that we are outlining for you here, will work. Additionally, always give a little more. Always give a little extra, even if you aren’t being paid for it, do it anyway. You will feel great about yourself and your contribution. You will also have earned the trust and respect of those around you.
The MOST important thing to remember is of course the execution! Start NOW!
Shawn Shewchuk is a sought after speaker, coach and consultant and the author of the soon to be released book, Change Your Mind, Change Your Results.